No Matter The Results YOU Control The Outcomes!

Impac Outreach

Our vision is to ensure that every youth is committed to being a responsible and dedicated citizen within their communities.

What We Do

Improving quality of life in our youth

Upcoming Events

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Youth Chat

Watch our show Youth Chat here

What We Do

I.M.P.A.C. (Intelligent Minds Proving & Applying Commitment), a highly charged motivation outreach, exists on the basis of curtailing epidemics that affect our youth, due to systemic plagues or hidden dangers restricting them from maximizing on their potential.

Mission Statement

IMPAC mission is to improve the quality of youth lives through a balance of self-discovery, embracing potential, and applying applications needed to bring about success. Through commitment and persistent methodologies, we exercise education as key intervention for a positive lifestyle change.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to ensure that every youth is committed to being a responsible and dedicated citizen within their communities.


No Matter The Results YOU Control The Outcomes!

Youth Chat

Tune in to @iYouthChat a “Teen Talk” show that is revolutionizing negative chat with Inspired Voices, “The Chat Everyone Needs to Hear!”

@iYouthChat sponsors some of the most Brilliant, Talented, Energetic, Motivated, Ambitious, and Opinionated youth, who collaborate as a team to help discover the Art of Success!

The show is a monthly pre-recorded broadcast, based upon ideas of educational dialogue aimed at curbing the national epidemic of juvenile delinquency. It provides for an open source of ethics designed to define societal rules, conducts, and views of the youth population at large. Our goal is to establish a platform that keeps audiences engaged, and informed about societal concerns.

Stay Tune Our New YouTube Channel…


  • Believe in the gifts, talents, and power I possess
  • Educate to better understand my purpose
  • Empower myself through the belief that I am born to create or produce something
  • Encourage others along with myself that our purpose is not a struggle but assignment
  • Care for myself as I care for others.
  • Challenge creates growth. In order to mature I must face every challenge with victorious nature.
  • Commitment is the hallmark of my success in life. Anchor down on my vision.
  • Correct my ways and permit others the latitude to provide the corrections needed for my self-improvement
  • Creativity makes me unique and most understand my creative power and use for the betterment of my community

I.M.P.A.C. (Intelligent Minds Proving & Applying Commitment), a highly charged motivation outreach, exists on the basis of curtailing epidemics that affect our youth, due to systemic plagues or hidden dangers restricting them from maximizing on their potential.

I.M.P.A.C. Outreach prides itself on being innovative facilitator(ship) by way of implement new methodologies which will provide firm footing for youth and family affected by systemic and generational systems which has halt the process of them releasing a youth true potential upon their community at need.

I.M.P.A.C. Outreach as coined the word the word Facilitatorship as more than leader rather an architect of construct creating the action of change through concern leaders and/or communities. This change produces a body of action by implementing new methods, systems, or process to organize and better equip youth, their families and communities at large.

As a community facilitator for over fifteen years, we have assumed the responsibility of being the voice of the voiceless. “We work to serve as the mouthpiece for urban youth and disenfranchised people, speaking from the heart of the community.” I.M.P.A.C. has diligently worked in juvenile detentions, probations, alternative schools, state schools, placement centers, foster cares, and even internationally in Ethiopia.

Currently I.M.P.A.C. Outreach is committed creating better opportunities within in their communities by building a Breaking New Grounds Reentry and Transitional Program. This living facility will house approximately 20-30 youth throughout the state of Texas. The ideology encompassing this BNGRTP is that many of our youth reenter into our communities from state schools or placement centers not adequately reentered back into the community which they left. This leaves majority of the youth returning to their communities overwhelmed and frustrated which returns them to crime. IMPAC Outreach will become a mediator between this transitioning by implementing these processes slowly continuing the cognitive and therapy needed to all youth to become prospects instead of suspects. Ultimately are goal is being to produce changemakers that we will become disciples within their communities using their life test to speak upon their testimonies to ensure the next generation is halted from making the same mistakes.

Rodney Duckett Founder